How to Remove Dust Mites From Your Carpet

A dust mite is the eight-legged insect which you can see hardly with your naked eyes. They are most difficult to remove as they are living in clean home also. Dust mites nourish on flakes of human skin and are widespread wherever humans are living. The dust mite is known as arthropod like spider. Whenever you are thinking to clean your home carpet, dust mites are in majority to remove safely using proper techniques.


Dust mites can become the cause of some allergic disease like irritating asthma and other severe illness with discomfort which can be felt in your homes where they are present and spreading more and more. Dust mites are living mainly in colonies, in fibers of carpet and mattresses, furniture and pillows wherever you feel high humidity in your home; you may find them in bulk. When you find human skin cells, dust mites can boom easily that way. Carpet is always spread out in whole house so regular cleaning of carpet is required at every time interval.

Dust Mites Coming From

Dust mites are having art of spreading themselves around. Day by day your soft things like soft toys, clothing, hair etc. can eventually carry dust mites with them. Dust mites can have ability ot cling to and hang on fiber of clothing, mattresses’ fibers that allow them to spread out in whole house, on carpet specially. You may find them at every corner and some spaces or fibers in hanging position. They can live in the root or grout of the carpet and mattresses more. That thing leads the issues of health and allergy within your family. Before cleaning dust mites from your house, observe whole house from where they are coming and spreading more. If you not take care of your home regarding dust mites, many sources of them will increase day by day then to remove them may become difficult for you.

Finding Dust Mites

The home of dust mites is the fabric of surface of your home. They can easily live there where human are living. There are many places or sub houses of dust mites in the home. Some common places are:

  • Carpet
  • Curtains
  • Fabric Blinds
  • Rugs
  • Furniture of Upholstered
  • Mattresses
  • Baby Cribs
  • On windows
  • At bathrooms



Kind of allergies and illness by Dust Mites

The problem of dust mite allergies produced from enzymes which are living organism; generate the biochemical reaction in the bodies. Dust mites release them to break down dead human skin cells. The organisms allow dust mites to carry their life cycle to harm some by irritating. Dust mite excrement is light enough to blow in the air of room and the just drop of it enough to cause severe asthma, fever, cold and many more health issues.

Check out are you allergenic of dust mites or not?

If you are worried about you have allergy of dust mites or not, just go for simple skin or blood test is enough to check out. If you are affected, then you will get result within 15mins to determine that your skin is allergenic of dust mites. You doctor will check your blood sample and check out redness or irritation near the pick mark, that will give you answer. Then some antibiotics will help you to fight against dust mites.



For solving this problem, check the level of concentration like low, medium or high. If they are at low or medium level, use sample kit of vacuum for dust mite and spend 10mins to testing them in whole house and try to remove from the home. But if you are not get success or they are spreading out more and more at high level, take the professional services from local market to get rid of them and make your home carpet clean.

Ensure your carpet with home from dust mites

Removing dust mites from your home totally for your healthy life, start cleaning from carpet first as carpet is the most used one by humans and high level humidity you may find at here on carpet in whole house. Many chemical free methods are available by taking proper service of carpet cleaning in your home which not only cleans your carpet but also whole home by removing dust mites almost.

  1. Temperature management

Your home temperature can become main factor to stop dust mites stop be spread. Monitor temperature according to AAFA, keep humidity level to below 50% that will help you to reduce the dust mites from home.



  1. Vacuums

Applying vacuums like HEPA vacuum on the carpet is the best technique to start. This vacuum machine is fetching and collecting harmful allergic germs from the air by filtering and throw back on open air to break down them. High level vacuums can remove dead skin cells and dirty junks from the carpet that becomes the major tool to fight against dust mites. But vacuuming should be done at least within a week on regular basis. Otherwise you can find next week again more dust mites if not vacuuming.


  1. Shampooing cleaning

Apply combination of water and shampoo special for carpet cleaning on the carpet that will smash out dust mites living on the carpet and hiding in the fabric of the carpet. But that mixture of chemical shampoo, doesn’t apply in proper way that may only push dust mites from origin place and destroy them totally but might be not able to remove them.


  1. Steam Cleaners

Buy high quality air purifier or steam machine to clean your carpet by spreading clean air with hot water that cause to die the dust mites from their places. This function can easily capture 99% of allergens which can affect to your body to disturb your health. If you don’t want purchase and don’t have knowledge how to do steam on carpet, contact to any reliable contractor to help you to remove dust mites.


  1. Carpet removing or replacing

If dust mites have affected to your carpet badly, then without doing any cleaning service, go with replacement of carpet by removing old one. Set up new and fresh carpet by purchasing from market. It happens after many years, you can’t apply any method to save your carpet because many allergenic dust mites had already fed up your home carpet totally. You have no chance to survive on it. Therefore, for better life of your family, removing that carpet is best solution by replacing new one.

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