Does Steam Cleaning Kill Dust Mites, Fleas And Bed Bugs?

Mostly harsh chemicals are damaging every flooring tiles or carpet more and more. But steam cleaners has never use harsh chemicals, that is why they are the best applying technique for cleaning carpet or flooring surface of your home.

Steam cleaning method is called basically Hot water extraction in that hot water is used to kill bacteria, germs, fleas, dust mites and bed bugs with super natural steaming method. So, yes the steam cleaning is not only clean your home surface but also kill all infected and allergenic germs and insects with removing dust from the root of fiber or grout of tiles. As steam is only using hot water not any chemicals for cleaning, it is known as chemical free method for deep cleaning to get rid from all harmful allergens and dust in natural way.

How Steam works to kill?

No other method is more powerful than steam cleaning to kill mites, viruses and bacteria by cleaner in efficient way. Steam machine with high heat above 120 C, the bacteria begin to kill and die. The high temperature is known as antimicrobial heat mediator to kill germs. With the heat of 212 F or above, every microorganism will start to die within sometime. The steam reaches to the pores of fabric or grout and everywhere on the surface areas, then start driving out all harmful chemical residues from deep of surfaces of your home.

Read: 10 Health Benefits To Carpet Cleaning

Whenever you think about cleaning your home flooring, always try to start from the top room of the house and move forward according to descending order. At last, pick up your main ground floor for cleaning to get accurate cleaning. Steaming is time taking method, so, not hold more than 2 inches from surface for cleaning and try to move less than 1inch of space per second. The powerful steam cleaners have ability to kill anything during cleaning method applying.

If you have used anywhere chemical previously on the carpet, the steamers can destroy the entire chemicals residue from the root of fiber of carpet or tiles. Ultimately, this will lead to spread fresh air in to the house to take breathe safely. To make more effective steam cleaning, apply vacuum cleaning before steam cleaning that makes improvement in the quality of cleanliness of carpet.

Steam Cleaner killing features:

Killer for germs, bacteria and viruses

  • High steam heat has ability to kill out the viruses, bacteria and germs almost through the contact only.
  • You will get free air from harmful factors and get your home pure hygienically dirt free.
  • Bacteria and germs you can find again on the surface, that time chemicals do good job for destroying all germs of allergen, but not effectively. Steam cleaners remove them from the root to fetch out remaining residues behind fiber.

Read: Dry Carpet Cleaning vs Steam Cleaning

Remove mold

  • Mold and mildew are the common problem of bathroom in the home. The main cause of this happening is hot water usage. This leads to humidity at higher level which produces more and more molds they can be removed only by steam cleaners.
  • Mold is not affecting to look of bathroom at lower level but slowly they will increase and affect badly to the surface of bathroom. For that case you can apply the chemical first and then steam and dry cleaning only mostly helping.

Killing Fleas

  • Your pet is mostly habited to pick up fleas from other animals like foxes in summer specially. That will spread out in to your house on the carpet. This may disturb your health. Therefore, regular cleaning with steamers is most effective to get rid of this problem.
  • Without using chemical, steam cleaners high heat will kill fleas with pet’s eggs and their larva to make your home sanitized totally. That will help to you and also to your pet also.
  • The warmth steaming should be done after vacuum which vibration remove eggs plus some larvae with dust on them to make larvae live again.
  • For fleas problem some time you should take proper treatment from professionals but mostly professional streamers can do that effectively.


Controlling Bed Bugs

  • In your wooden home or around beds of your home especially, everywhere on carpet, you may found many developing bed bugs. To control them by growing, steam cleaning the best powerful method to reduce them.
  • High heat steaming is 99% bed bugs killing ability to clear your house from harmful bed bugs.
  • To make sure that all bugs are killed or not, repeat steam cleaning again to get final result and no bed bugs have chance to contact of any live bed bug.
  • A steam nozzle should be around 2 inches to kill bugs and it can kill ¾ inches in to fabric. It is advisable to use low-pressure nozzle for best output.
  • The temperature of the mattress should be around 170 degrees F whenever steam cleaning has been applied to get rid of bed bugs completely.
  • Use EPA approved spray to remove bed bugs before steaming starts.
  • Let the surface leaves to be dried up totally after steam cleaning.

Removal of Dust Mites

  • Steam reduces the pollution of dust mites from the mattresses and carpet.
  • Vacuuming should be done before steaming to fetch up allergenic bugs that will make sensible variation in to air quality spreading in the house and improving family’s health.
  • Removal of dust mites from mattresses and carpet will save you from some decease like asthma.
  • Constant growth of dust mites should be reduced by regular cleaning through steam cleaners to make your home pollution free and harm less.
  • As per study of Scotland, found 87 percent drop in the meditation of dust mites per gram of dust after carpets were steam-cleaned.

Over all, if you go in right way to clean your house, with supplements of chemical, steam cleaners are the most powerful to kill bed bugs, dust mites and fleas effectively to make your home free from germs and bacteria as well as removing mold from your grout areas that make your house clean, live and sanitized by steaming.

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