Steam Cleaning vs. Dry Cleaning

Every time, it is not necessary to apply DIY cleaning methods as they may not able to clean carpet as you want live and fresh again. Sometimes this methods can’t give you the result in proper sense. At that time, you should go with the professional services by hiring best carpet cleaner experts to do this as a contract. But here you may get confused in selection of best and suitable carpet cleaning method should be done by your hired contractor either steam cleaning or dry cleaning? To decide the right solution for this problem, you will get from here by reading this post as you will get the right answer from here itself by learning difference between both methods. Let’stake a look deeper for better understanding:

Steam Cleaning

Basically the Hot water extraction method terms as the steaming cleaning in the industrial companies. So, before getting detail about this method, it is required to know about its terminology used worldwide.

What is Steam Cleaning
This method is mainly using the steam machine that spreads up a mix combination of hot/warm water and special cleanser, eco detergent on the carpet and instantly eliminates the water with dirt. The main purpose of applying this method is to remove the stains and dust from the root of it. Make sure that after applying this method, the carpet will dry totally after 2-3 hours depend on outside weather. For quick action, you must choose high rated and special steam machine to make whole process fast to complete within 5 to 6 hours considering drying time.

This method has ability to kill or remove 99% of stains from the main root because it is the most commanding method in the world as per current trend. As we know every method has its own pros and cons to be applied for cleaning purpose, read out of it before applying for your use:

Pros of steam cleaning

  • This method mostly done by only highly professional team or manufacturers from worldwide.
  • No chance of stains and dirt remain on the carpet because the water and detergent combination is surely remove them and none residue over there you may found.
  • Has own strength to go deep in to the fibres and resolve the dirt from there.
  • The best powerful and strong process for stain removal and make carpet again healthy living base

Cons of stream cleaning

  • Not the perfect match for delicate materials used on carpet for cleaning. Before applying it, check first the material of that carpet or ask to company about it.
  • Sometimes, it takes around over 6 hours to dry the carpet totally, depend on carpet.
  • If steam is not used properly, then there is chance of birth of bacteria and growing it day by day.
  • The machines used for steaming are highly noisy and heavy in weight. Sometimes you have to face some restrictions for using it.

Note: Over all the hot water extraction called as steam cleaning is most suitable for man-made, polyester and woollen base materials

Dry Cleaning

The purpose of using Dry cleaning method is to clean delicate fabric carpet.

What is Dry Cleaning Method

Most of the people are not having choice delicate velvet upholstery or silky material for their home or office carpet. But who have done, should provide special care and cure to the carpet for long lasting. There are many detergents are available for dry cleaning the different types of carpets. Those detergents are made of especially for carpet cleaning so no need about worry for material damage as they genuine for surface also. This method is the killer method for bacteria by cleaning the carpet.

The method starts with applying and spreading over the chemicals to the area affected with some water proportion to help the detergent to react on carpet. After then chemicals start the work to vacuum the dirt not like steam cleaning but get the fresh looking carpet. Also, read out its pros and cons also before judging more about it:

Pros of Dry cleaning

  • In short time you can see the cleaned carpet.
  • Most suitable for delicate and costly materials without less chance of damages.

Cons of Dry cleaning

  • Use proper amount of chemical detergent which may convert to hard stain in long term.
  • For stains it’s not effective as steam cleaning does.
  • Sometimes dry cleaning by own way with detergent of harsh quality, connect with professional for dry cleaning also for better result in affordable rates.

Note: Over all the Dry cleaning is most suitable for sea-grass, jute materials mostly.

Determine the best method for you by featuring both more:

Above all the description about both the methods are showing the basic functioning of both methods with its pros and cons. Now, the subject to matter is which method is becoming profitable for your carpet? This is mainly depend on material of carpet from which it made of. If any major harm occur on your carpet on any material, take care of it instantly by applying most suitable method for you. Let’s go deep by knowing the features of both and differentiate.

Characteristics of both methods:

Drying time

  • 3 to 7 hours to complete dry the carpet in steam cleaning
  • Less hours needed to dry same in dry cleaning

Suitable Fabrics

  • Synthetic, polyester and woollen materials most suitable for steam process
  • Delicate fabrics like jute, velvet and sea-grass most suitable for dry cleaning

Water Usage

  • High amount of water usage in the hot water extraction method.
  • No or very little water usage in dry cleaning

Stain removal capacity

  • Highly effective for stains removal steam cleaning is.
  • Not much effective for deep stains in simple drying carpet.

Conduct to Professional Carpet Cleaner near you

If you have doubt about which method to choose, call to the most reputed and experienced service provider to help you in selecting appropriate method for you carpet cleaning. They are not only helping you in cleaning carpet but give you caring instructions in any situations in future. So, not get upset, go with them and hire contract service for saving your carpet freshness back.

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